What Does Class 30 Cover in a Trademark Application?

What Does Class 30 Cover in a Trademark Application?

The Nice Classification system is a vital tool in trademark applications to sort goods or services and enable business entities to protect their products and services.  This system categorises products and services into 45 classes which are categories so that when...
How To Register An EU Trademark In The US

How To Register An EU Trademark In The US

Brand protection in the global market is very important when it comes to business expansion and safety in the modern world market.  Although it is possible to obtain a trademark within the European Union which provides protection across all of the member states, it...
Essential Trademark Guide for Your Medical Practice

Essential Trademark Guide for Your Medical Practice

In the current world, the healthcare sector is so competitive and therefore requires that a medical practice develop a good brand image.   Indeed, one of the best ways of protecting that identity is through the acquisition of a trademark. Registered trademark...
20 Landmark Intellectual Property Disputes

20 Landmark Intellectual Property Disputes

The Intellectual Property Law has developed in part due to the various rulings and judgments passed by the courts. Although not every judgment made a significant change, some had a considerable impact on the IP jurisprudence.  In this blog, we’ll discuss 20...