Drishti Insights

Our blog posts and podcast episodes provide helpful information on trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, firm news, and the latest developments in the law.

Our Blogs

20 Landmark Intellectual Property Disputes

20 Landmark Intellectual Property Disputes

The Intellectual Property Law has developed in part due to the various rulings and judgments passed by the courts. Although not every judgment made a significant change, some had a considerable impact on the IP jurisprudence.  In this blog, we'll discuss 20 trademark...

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50 Famous Trademarks – Global

50 Famous Trademarks – Global

An interesting aspect of intellectual property law is that famous trademarks are treated differently from the other trademarks. They receive enhanced protection and have a wide range of exclusive rights. The reason for such 'favouritism' is that the trademarks are...

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Trademark Registration of Korean Brands

Trademark Registration of Korean Brands

Korean companies hold a significant share of the U.S. market. Some renowned names like Samsung or LG have their origins in Korea and have established themselves as leaders in the consumer electronics field in the U.S.  Other than these, there is a rising trend in the...

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How To Trademark A Jewellery Brand?

How To Trademark A Jewellery Brand?

A jewellery brand, just like any other artistic business, involves creativity. Anyone who has ever purchased or desired a jewellery item knows that there is fierce competition in this market to stand out as a unique and high-end brand. The brand name itself becomes a...

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