Drishti Insights

Our blog posts and podcast episodes provide helpful information on trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, firm news, and the latest developments in the law.

Our Blogs

Trademark Scams You Should Be Aware Of

Trademark Scams You Should Be Aware Of

Trademarks are very significant in safeguarding one’s intellectual property since it guarantees that the identity of the brand will not be changed by third parties.  However, with the expansion of trademark registration across the world, there have also been...

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Can You Purchase a Trademark?

Can You Purchase a Trademark?

Buying a trademark is one of the most effective strategies for creating a brand within the shortest time possible without having to register it.  A trademark is a company’s name, logo, or motto, and it is always easier to take over a trademark than to build it from...

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What Is a Combined Section 8 & 15 Declaration?

What Is a Combined Section 8 & 15 Declaration?

Trademarks are very important in the process of branding your company and this is because, in the current world with so many companies, you will need to protect the identity of your company. However, registering a trademark is one thing—using it means filing it...

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How to Deal with Trademark Registration Delays?

How to Deal with Trademark Registration Delays?

Trademark registration is one of the most important processes a business needs to undertake in a bid to safeguard the business, products, and services from being counterfeited.  Trademarking is not only a legal right, but it also creates a position in the market for a...

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How To Register An EU Trademark In The US

How To Register An EU Trademark In The US

Brand protection in the global market is very important when it comes to business expansion and safety in the modern world market.  Although it is possible to obtain a trademark within the European Union which provides protection across all of the member states, it...

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