Drishti Insights

Our blog posts and podcast episodes provide helpful information on trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, firm news, and the latest developments in the law.

Our Blogs

How To Tell If An Image Is Copyrighted?

How To Tell If An Image Is Copyrighted?

If you wish to use an image for your work you found online, remember that its copyright policy holds much more importance than you can imagine. A small neglect of the copyright rules can land you serious legal repercussions, leading to a fine of as much as $30,000,...

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What You Need To Know About Design Copyright?

What You Need To Know About Design Copyright?

As a designer, you know this better the more good you are at your profession, the more protection that work requires. This feels like a disadvantage at times because, in a world where infringing another person's hard work has become as easy as breathing, you have to...

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How To Register A Podcast Name As A Trademark?

How To Register A Podcast Name As A Trademark?

If you are a podcaster - or you wish to begin the journey of podcasting - and you have arrived at this page, it shows that you are serious about your work and you wish to safeguard it in the best manner possible. By approaching a trademark attorney you have made the...

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Can You Trademark A Scent?

Can You Trademark A Scent?

When we hear the term trademark, we associate it with visual symbols like slogans, logos, colours, and even sounds. However, have you ever considered that this list can also include 'scent' i.e., you can also trademark a scent? While it may sound absurd, this is...

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